Course Modules
Four pre-recorded lessons with slides support.
This module of the course offers an introduction to the European institutions, their structure and the political background that guides the financial planning of the EU. Subsequently, the European budget starting 2021-2027 and the various expenditure titles will be presented. The module will then focus on the various funding opportunities within the various programs that are part of the new EU financial programming.
Lesson I – The general framework of the EU: institutions and the European budget
• The 2019 elections, the new European Parliament and the new European Commission
• The new priorities and the 2019-2024 strategy: focus on Green & Digital
• The European budget: the Multiannual Financial Framework and Next Generation EU
• The MFF in detail: the expense titles.
Lesson II – The Cohesion Policy
• The Cohesion Policy 2021 – 2027
• The MFF in detail: the expenditure titles (from Title 2 to Title 7)
Lesson III – Funding of the new MFF
• Horizon Europe
• European Innovation Council
• Digital Europe Program
• Single Market Program
Lesson IV – Funding of the new MFF (2) and general rules
• InvestEU
• Erasmus +
• Creative Europe
• EU4Health
• LIFE Program
• Programs: general rules
Learning Outcomes
- Move independently to seek information from European institutions;
- Distinguish the different European funds;
- Know the constitution of the European budget;
- Identify the right funding to satisfy a particular project idea;
- Understanding the European institutional ecosystem (actors, processes, decision-making);
- Structured information search;
- Organization and compilation of knowledge;
- Knowledge of the European political context;
- Links between the political context and European funding;
- Tools to write a successful proposal by exploiting the knowledge of the European political context;
- Distinction between the different sources of financing;
- Knowledge of the project cycle;
- Knowledge of the programming cycle;
- Selection of funding sources appropriate to the project request.
Hours of Total Learning: 10 hours
- Total Contact hour: 4 hours
- Self-Study: 5 hours
- Assessment Hours: 1 hour
Assessment Procedures
This Module is assessed through a Multiple Choice test at the end of the module through which the lecture will assess the knowledge related to this module.
Four pre-recorded lessons with slides support.
The module addresses issues relating to the evaluation and definition of the project idea and its innovative dimension, as a prerequisite of fundamental importance for the executive development of the project.
In detail, the criteria by which to measure the validity of the project initiative are studied, understood as an expression of a shared need and which responds to a general and, in this case, a European interest.
Once the feasibility framework has been defined, we will move on to the analysis of the methodologies for writing and assembling the project proposal, as well as analyzing the impact and compliance with the EC evaluation parameters.
- Lesson 1 – Planning and evaluation of a project PART I: creation and verification of the project idea, presentation and explanation of the basic terms in European planning, basic documentation in European programs (First part).
- Lesson 2 – Planning and evaluation of a project PART II: basic documentation in European programs (Second part), call for proposal analysis, introduction to the project abstract.
- Lesson 3 – Planning and evaluation of a project PART III: contents and structure of a project abstract.
- Lesson 4 – Planning and evaluation of a project PART IV: Exercise on drafting a project abstract and conclusive tips for writing a good project
Learning Outcomes
- Evaluation skills of a project idea and its level of excellence and innovation;
- Context analysis, state of the art and call reading skills;
- Information gathering skills;
- Financial planning and writing skills;
- Design impact assessment skills;
- Developping a project suitable to respond to the needs and interests expected in the European context;
- Enhancing the innovative dimension of a project;
- Scouting and research skills for the most suitable call for the expected needs;
- Linking the project actions to the impacts envisaged by the European call of reference;
- Implementing and coordination, from all points of view, a structured work plan (structuring for work packages, budget management, consortium coordination, management of partners and relations with the EC)
Hours of Total Learning: 15 hours
- Total Contact hour: 4 hours
- Self-Study: 10 hours
- Assessment Hours: 1 hour
Assessment Procedures
This Module is assessed through an assignment that consists in the development of a paper.
Four pre-recorded lessons with slides support.
The module starts with an overview of the different types of EU funds, continues with a detailed analysis of the reporting principles and cost categories and closes with the description of sample worksheets for final reporting.
Four pre-recorded lessons with the support of slides.
- Lesson 1 – The classification of EU funds: notion of community program, EU Commission’s spending techniques, classification of EU funds, evaluation procedure.
- Lesson 2 – Reporting principles: Reporting Periods, general reporting principles, direct & indirect costs.
- Lesson 3 – Cost categories: personnel, subcontracts, purchase of goods and services, travel and accommodation, durable equipment, consumable goods.
- Lesson 4 – Third Parties and Worksheets for final reporting: the types of participation of Third Parties, the obligations of Third Parties, illustrative presentation of the worksheets for final reporting.
Learning Outcomes:
- Economic and financial management skills on directly managed funds;
- Ability to implement a reporting process;
- Ability to follow the evaluation procedure of a project;
- Ability to fulfill the main obligations of the beneficiaries towards the EC;
- Ability to plan the project budget;
- Ability to report project costs in terms of inherence, temporal competence, historical cost, real cost, compliance with the accounting discipline and cost effectiveness;
- Ability to manage the different cost categories (personnel, subcontracts, goods and services, equipment etc ..);
- Ability to collect and organize the supporting documentation of the costs incurred;
- Ability to manage and report the expenses relating to the Third Parties involved in the project.
Hours of Total Learning: 10 hours
- Total Contact Hours: 4 hours
- Self-Study Hours: 5 hours
- Assessment Hours: 1 hour
Assessment Procedures:
This module is assessed througha Multiple Choice test at the end of the module, through which the lecture will assess the knowledges related to this module.
Three pre-recorded lessons with slides support.
The module addresses issues relating to the protection and enhancement of intangible assets in the context of European planning, contractual management and the study of ethics, privacy and access to research data.
- Lesson 1 – Contract management in Horizon: the Grant Agreement, the Consortium Agreement, the support contracts (Memorandum of Understanding, Non Disclosure Agreement, Agreement on Background, Letter of Intent, License Agreement, Assignment Agreement, Joint Ownership Agreement).
- Lesson 2 – Intellectual property in Horizon: trademark, patent, design, copyright, trade secrets.
- Lesson 3 – Access to data, ethics & privacy: the obligation to exploit the results and the principles of Open Science, Open Data & FAIR Data, the Data Management Plan, Ethics & Privacy
Learning Outcomes:
- Strategic skills in the protection and enhancement of intangible assets in European planning;
- Mastery of the management aspects of intellectual property in the different phases of a European project;
- Intellectual property expertise on the various forms of patent rights;
- Competence on contracts in the different phases of a European project;
- Expertise in the field of IP Due Diligence;
- Ability to contractually manage the pre-contractual phase;
- Ability to manage the rights of the various partners within the consortium agreement;
- Ability to protect the background that is shared in a project;
- Ability to apply adequate forms of exploitation of results;
- Ability to conduct IP due diligence.
Hours of Total Learning: 9 hours
- Total Contact Hours: 3 hours
- Self-Study Hours: 5 hours
- Assessment Hours: 1 hour
Assessment Procedures:
This module is assessed througha Multiple Choice test at the end of the module, through which the lecture will assess the knowledges related to this module.
The lecturers of the Euro Planning course all have consolidated academic and professional experience in the field of planning, EU funds and European governance policies