Belt&Road: the B2B event to embrace China


MACTT (Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade), cultural and formative partner of the italian institute OBOR, in collaboration with Euromed International Trade and Malta Business the web portal, is pleased to announce the 2021 edition of the Belt&Road Exhibition, the largest Italian event dedicated to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the strategy promoted by China to strengthen trade with the countries of Eurasia.

The event, for this year scheduled in digital version from 12 to 15 April 2021, offers to companies interested in the Chinese market a great opportunity for visibility and new contacts through conferences, workshops, virtual exhibition areas, B2B meetings and other initiatives related to business opportunities between Europe and China.

It should be remembered that Malta and China signed in 2018 a framework agreement for the implementation of investment projects and cooperation initiatives: the Mediterranean archipelago was one of the first European countries to have signed such an agreement, based on an initiative launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The Belt&Road therefore represents a competitive network for the creation of commercial outlets on the largest market in the world with the guarantee of 32 partner organizations in Italy and 17 in China, and connections with the operational headquarters of the latter in Beijing, Shanghai, Hohhot, Chongquin, Xi’An.

The participation of companies provides three packages (basic, standard and premium) depending on the services chosen between virtual stand, B2B meetings, presentation of projects and opportunities. The official language of each B2B meeting is English; however, upon request of the interlocutors, it is possible to use a simultaneous translation and interpreting service offered, for a fee, by our partner Institute OBOR.


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