Official partnership between MACTT and Italia4Blockchain


The Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade (MACTT) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding wiht the Italia4Blockchain Association.

The partnership between the two realities, which pursue the objective of promoting the research and training for the development of critical knowledge, open to dialogue, and to the interaction between cultures, the aim will be to plan and implement jointly training, study, research and information dissemination activities on Blockchain, DLT and Information Technology.

MACTT and Italia4Blockchain also undertake to carry out theoretical and practical courses of school alternation -work and to provide scholarships for students and deserving people as well as awards for major international projects.

Italia4Blockchain gives great value to the training activity in the field of Blockchain, which from years is committed to promoting in the national territory. We are therefore very proud to be able to contribute, thanks to the partnership with the Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Technology and Trade, to the training of professionals of excellence in the field of new technologies, creating new figures capable of managing and innovating business processes through the use of the Blockchain, even outside the Italian borders” comments Pietro Azzara, President of Italia4Blockchain.

In the same opinion is Sergio Passariello, CEO of MACTT: “Our institute of Higher Education has identified technology and innovation as two central elements of the Mediterranean’s own training proposal. We have chosen Malta as a base to develop our courses also for the dynamism and momentum that this country has shown in recent years in the development of national strategies in areas of the latest generation such as Blockchain and Intelligence Artificial, establishing himself as a model and forerunner around the world. The collaboration with Italia4Blockchain will allow us to implement our projects, targeted to meet the needs of new professionals and to dispense skills to be exploited for a successful future by part of ambitious kids we’re gonna raise together.


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